setembro 02, 2011

PBS Arts: "Off Book" web Series

O canal público norte-americano, PBS, acaba de lançar na internet uma nova série, Off Book, sobre arte alternativa. Trata-se de uma série web que pretende abordar movimentos e correntes artísticas menos conhecidas, de nicho, mas que estão a contribuir para a criação estética geral.

A série Off Book é feita de episódios de 5 minutos, e estreia todas as quartas no site da PBS ou no canal YouTube da mesma. Esta quarta saiu o 4º episódio, e a série deverá conter um total de 13 episódios. Mais informação sobre a série pode ser seguida no Tumblr da mesma. No post de cada episódio no Tumblr podem encontrar informação mais detalhada com links para todos os intervenientes e obras apresentadas em cada episódio.

Em termos de audiovisual a série apresenta uma qualidade superior para o que é normal em termos de web série, tanto em termos de investigação e conteúdo, como na qualidade da fotografia e realização. Deixo desde já aqui os primeiros quatro episódios que aconselho vivamente.

Light Paint (19.07.2011)

Light has been an essential element in artwork for centuries. Light painters create electrifying images that blend photographs of the real world with layers of color and kinetic light. Man Ray first used the method in 1935, although its popularity has grown with the advent of digital cameras.
In the premiere episode of Off Book, artists Aurora Crowley and Patrick Rochon demonstrate their light paint methodology, show off their electric works and describing the process that anyone can do at home.

Type, (3.8.2011)

Type is everywhere. Every print publication, website, movie, advertisement and public message involves the creation or selection of a fitting typeface. Online, a rich and artistic typographical culture exists, where typefaces are created and graphic design seeps in to every image.
In episode 2 of Off Book, typeface designers Jonathan Hoefler and Tobias Frere-Jones outline the importance of selecting the right font to convey a particular feeling. Graphic designer Paula Scher talks about building identity in messaging, while Eddie Opara uses texture to create reaction. Infographic designers Julia Vakser and Deroy Peraza map complicated data sets into digestible imagery, mixing color, graphics and type.

Visual Culture Online, (16.8.2011)

For decades now, people have joined together online to communicate and collaborate around interesting imagery. In recent years, the pace and intensity of this activity has reached a fever pitch. With countless communities engaging in a constant exchange, building on each others’ work, and producing a prodigious flow of material, we may be experiencing the early stages of a new type of artistic and cultural collaboration. In this episode of Off Book, we’ll speak with a number of Internet experts and artists who'll give us an introductory look into this intriguing new world.

Steampunk, (31.08.2011)

Steampunk art evokes an alternate reality where steam is the primary source of power. Technology, though highly advanced, has taken on a very different look and feel, and fashion is heavily influenced by Victorian styles. In this episode, we explore the Steampunk aesthetic and art movement. We speak with a Steampunk artist, a composer who created an entire piece of music inspired by Steampunk, and a performing arts collective whose work falls naturally into this intriguing world.

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