Podem saber mais sobre Walter Murch na wikipedia ou IMDB, mas se quiserem realmente perceber porque acredito no que ele diz leiam, In the Blink of an Eye (1995). Nesta obra poderão ter acesso ao profundo conhecimento que Murch tem dos processos cognitivos do receptor face a uma obra fílmica e ficar a perceber melhor como funciona o nosso sistema perceptivo em face do ecrã.
De forma resumida o que Murch nos diz é que o nosso aparelho visual não está preparado para ver este tipo de imagens. Ou seja imagens que exigem que os nossos olhos "foquem" num ponto diferente do ponto em que estão a realizar a "convergência".

O mundo real não funciona dessa forma, e por isso o nosso olho enquanto sistema natural não tem forma de dar resposta ao que lhe está a ser exigido. Isto não é uma descoberta de Murch, as imagens que aqui coloco possuem links para ensaios e discussões exactamente em redor desta questão.
E isto explica os problemas de mau-estar reportado por algumas pessoas, mas explica também problemas que existem e que não se resolvem com o melhorar da tecnologia. Aliás se assim fosse em 50 anos já o teríamos resolvido. Do ponto de vista estético o filme sofre porque é obrigado a mostrar muito mais daquilo que está na tela sempre focado, tornando a imagem mais escura, pequena, plana, e ao mesmo tempo reduzindo a capacidade expressiva dos enquadramentos.
Esta explicação de Murch foi enviada como carta ao Roger Ebert que fez o favor de a publicar no seu blog. Espero que depois de lerem estes argumentos percebam melhor porque tantos de nós se opõem ao cinema 3D, ou estereoscópico.
Hello Roger,
I read your review of "Green Hornet" and though I haven't seen the film, I agree with your comments about 3D.
The 3D image is dark, as you mentioned (about a camera stop darker) and small. Somehow the glasses "gather in" the image -- even on a huge Imax screen -- and make it seem half the scope of the same image when looked at without the glasses.
I edited one 3D film back in the 1980's -- "Captain Eo" -- and also noticed that horizontal movement will strobe much sooner in 3D than it does in 2D. This was true then, and it is still true now. It has something to do with the amount of brain power dedicated to studying the edges of things. The more conscious we are of edges, the earlier strobing kicks in.
The biggest problem with 3D, though, is the "convergence/focus" issue. A couple of the other issues -- darkness and "smallness" -- are at least theoretically solvable. But the deeper problem is that the audience must focus their eyes at the plane of the screen -- say it is 80 feet away. This is constant no matter what.
But their eyes must converge at perhaps 10 feet away, then 60 feet, then 120 feet, and so on, depending on what the illusion is. So 3D films require us to focus at one distance and converge at another. And 600 million years of evolution has never presented this problem before. All living things with eyes have always focussed and converged at the same point.
If we look at the salt shaker on the table, close to us, we focus at six feet and our eyeballs converge (tilt in) at six feet. Imagine the base of a triangle between your eyes and the apex of the triangle resting on the thing you are looking at. But then look out the window and you focus at sixty feet and converge also at sixty feet. That imaginary triangle has now "opened up" so that your lines of sight are almost -- almost -- parallel to each other.
We can do this. 3D films would not work if we couldn't. But it is like tapping your head and rubbing your stomach at the same time, difficult. So the "CPU" of our perceptual brain has to work extra hard, which is why after 20 minutes or so many people get headaches. They are doing something that 600 million years of evolution never prepared them for. This is a deep problem, which no amount of technical tweaking can fix. Nothing will fix it short of producing true "holographic" images.
Consequently, the editing of 3D films cannot be as rapid as for 2D films, because of this shifting of convergence: it takes a number of milliseconds for the brain/eye to "get" what the space of each shot is and adjust.
And lastly, the question of immersion. 3D films remind the audience that they are in a certain "perspective" relationship to the image. It is almost a Brechtian trick. Whereas if the film story has really gripped an audience they are "in" the picture in a kind of dreamlike "spaceless" space. So a good story will give you more dimensionality than you can ever cope with.
So: dark, small, stroby, headache inducing, alienating. And expensive. The question is: how long will it take people to realize and get fed up?
All best wishes,
Walter Murch*
* Carta de Walter Murch reproduzida a partir do blog de Roger Ebert. As imagens embebidas na carta foram produzidas por Marie Haws, e retiradas do mesmo blog.