October 31st, 2010, Edinburgh UK
Half-day Workshop (9:30am - 12:30pm)
at ICIDS 2010
3rd International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling
Half-day Workshop (9:30am - 12:30pm)
at ICIDS 2010
3rd International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling
Nelson Zagalo, Sandy Louchart, Maria T. Soto-Sanfiel
Call for Participation
For long, Interactive Storytelling (IS) has been a constant focus of interest of scholars from various areas. However, in spite of the attention that specific domains of IS have received (e.g. development of tools, applications and systems), there is little prior work on connecting those notions with users experiences. The main purpose of this workshop is to move forward on the study of users experience of interactive stories by working on the identification of the variables,
dynamics and methods that could contribute to explain it. It proposes participants to jointly navigate through different practices, theories, approaches, and concepts that need to be taken into account for properly shaping the complex experience of perceiving those artifacts and applications. The ultimate goal of the workshop is advancing in the definition of a model that allows measuring user engagement during consumption of interactive narratives.
The workshop will investigate a wide range of disciplines so as to identify specific and appropriate techniques, procedures and methods for properly measuring the experience and its effects on receivers. As workshop organizers, we conducted preliminary theoretical work and
outlined three factors towards a model of users narrative: narrative (a), formal (b), and decisions (c). These aspects will form the basis for discussions at the workshop.
The final goal is then to provide an opportunity for participants to exchange ideas and research results on the the evaluation of Games and Interactive Storytelling's consumption.
Not being mandatory for your participation we solicit contributions that reflect the state-of-art work in the field.
Areas of interest include but not limited to:
1) Narrativity
2) Aesthetic
3) Problem solving
4) Methodology
5) Emotion studies
6) Reception
7) Persuasion
Please submit your interest of participation or one-page abstract of your work to Nelson Zagalo (nzagalo at ics.uminho.pt).
More information about the workshop can be found at
Submission Deadline of Participation Interest: 10/15/10
Submission Deadline of Abstract: 10/20/10
The workshop will be limited to twenty participants so as to preserve active participation.
Nelson Zagalo, University of Minho, Portugal
Sandy Louchart, Heriot-Watt University, UK
Maria T. Soto-Sanfiel, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain