Position in Multimedia/Communication The Department of Communication at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater is seeking applicants for the following position beginning Fall, 2009.
Tenure-Track or Academic Staff position in Multimedia/Communication.
The successful candidate must have academic preparation and demonstrable experience to teach undergraduate multimedia and communication courses. Ability to teach in two or more of the following areas is required (Introduction to Multimedia, Multimedia Production for Web, Multimedia Production II with Flash, Writing for Multimedia, Interactive Communication and Advanced Multimedia Production, other Multimedia specialty area). The successful candidate should be open to working individually with students on independent studies or senior Multimedia Projects. Willingness to teach courses in the Electronic Media or Journalism emphases will be considered an asset.
Candidates should be familiar with a variety of digital video, audio and related multimedia technology and software for Windows and Macintosh operating systems. Expertise in XHTML, CSS and Actionscript is required. Candidates should also be able to contribute leadership skills toward the enhancement of the College and Department’s multimedia and communication programs. The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater is in the process of launching a Games and Interactive Media Program. Any expertise in Game theory, analysis and production is a plus.
Requirements for positions: Terminal degree in Communication or closely related field is required for a tenure-track appointment. ABDs and individuals with master’s degrees will be considered for a non-tenure track appointment. Faculty may also teach and direct theses and projects in a growing graduate program. Our department expects research/creative activity to complement its primary teaching mission, and evidence of refereed creative media production and/or quantitative or qualitative scholarly activity is required for tenure. Service to the department, university and community as well as participation in related academic and professional organizations is expected. Faculty at UW-W teach a 4-4 load; academic staff teach a 5-4 load. The department has a three course prep limit.
How to apply: Submit a completed application packet (hard copy; on-line not accepted) containing: a letter of application, curriculum vitae, names and contact information of three references, graduate and undergraduate transcripts and evidence of teaching effectiveness to Dr. Jeff Herriott, Chair, Multimedia Search and Screen Committee, Department of Communication, UW-Whitewater, 800 West Main Street, Whitewater, WI 53190. Review of applicants begins January 5, 2009 and will continue until filled. Only completed application packets will be reviewed. For complete description and updated information see http://www.uww.edu/cac/about/employment.html
The Communication Department at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater has approximately 600 majors, 200 minors, and a growing graduate program with a planned Multimedia emphasis to be developed in the near future.