2009 foi escolhido pela EC como o Ano Europeu da Criatividade e Inovação e tem como slogan:
Os objectivos traçados para este ano são:
- fostering artistic and other forms of creativity through pre-school, primary and secondary education including vocational streams, as well as non-formal and informal education
- maintaining engagement with creative forms of self-expression throughout adult life
- cultural diversity as a source of creativity and innovation
- information and communication technologies as media for creative self-expression
- ensuring that mathematics, science and technological studies promote an active, innovative mindset
- developing a wider understanding of the innovation process and a more entrepreneurial attitude as prerequisites for continued prosperity
- promoting innovation as the route to sustainable development
- regional and local development strategies based on creativity and innovation
- cultural and creative industries including design – where the aesthetic and the economic coincide
- innovation in public and private services.
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