março 23, 2009
o motion poster
Acima podemos ver uma resposta da indústria ao texto de Clemons onde se advoga o fim da publicidade. Um novo formato de poster, o digital possibilitou a introdução de movimento num poster que se supunha até agora estático, temos assim o chamado, "motion poster".
[baseado em posts do Publicidade Digital]
março 18, 2009
Life, imagination, and work using metaverse platforms
September 24-26, 2009
The scope of Slactions
The metaverse is emerging, through the increasing use of virtual world technologies that act as platforms for end-users to create, develop, and interact, expanding the realm of human cooperation, interaction, and creativity. The conference focus is scientific research on applications and developments of these metaverse platforms: Second Life, OpenSim, Open Croquet, Activeworlds, Open Source Metaverse, Project Wonderland, and others, providing a forum for the research community to present and discuss innovative approaches, techniques, processes, and research results.
Important dates
First call deadline February 28th, 2009
Second call deadline March 31st, 2009
March 31st, 2009 Submission results provided to authors of first call papers
April 30th, 2009 Submission results provided to authors of second call papers
June 30th, 2009 Deadline for early registration
July 31st, 2009 Deadline for print-ready versions of accepted papers
September 24-26th, 2009 Conference
março 17, 2009
robôs mais humanos
Ao nivel da robótica, parece que o Uncanny Valley de Mori se começa a esbater. Repare-se na perfeição da empatia gerada pela cara do robot HRP-4C desenvolvido pelo National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). Só ainda não percebi a questão das mãos. Da posição da coluna percebe-se porque é uma questão do balanceamento gravitacional. Muito bom.
Vejam o vídeo do robô que deverá desfilar em breve em Tóquio num desfile de moda.
março 08, 2009
construtor de mundos
Todo o 3d foi criado com Lightwave, pelo meu lado, tenho andado nos últimos dias a testar o Cinema 4D, o que me deixou ainda mais propenso ao impacto do filme. Quanto ao C4D é uma ferramenta que recomendo vivamente como introdução, pela sua facilidade e velocidade de execução. Comparando com o Max, arriscar pegar numa metáfora que vi num forum, que a interface e controladores estão como de um Avião (Max) para um carro (C4D). A flexibilidade é menor, mas a facilidade e rapidez de execução compensam largamente.
Vejam então o filme de Bruce Branit, que retrata: "A strange man builds a world using holographic tools for the woman he loves."
[a partir de Publicidade Digital]
Jogo português para PS3
Under Siege is an “action strategy” game where you command aMais fascinante que tudo são os screenshots que vêm sendo revelados pelo diário do jogo, e que aqui vos deixo. Esperamos continuar a ver mais material nos próximos meses, e esperamos ansiosamente pelo Outono de 2009, altura prevista de lançamento do jogo.
small group of heroes facing a massive invading army.
* Explore swamps, forests and deserts in the single player campaign
* Competitive and cooperative multiplayer modes
* Support for user generated content through the integrated level

março 03, 2009
ICIDS 2009 - Second International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling
The ICIDS is internationally the most important conference on interactive digital storytelling. It is the merging of the two European conferences TIDSE (“Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling”) and ICVS (“Virtual Storytelling – Using Virtual Reality Technologies for Storytelling”). The TIDSE had its venues and organization traditionally in Germany, and ICVS in France. ICIDS has no longer such geographic limitations, and will ocurr for the first time in Portugal.
Important Dates
June 20th, 2009 | Submission deadline |
August 20th, 2009 | Authors notification |
September 10th, 2009 | Print-ready version |
December 9-11th, 2009 | Conference |
Student volunteers* | Applications from June 2009 on |
Enjoy the teaser below, made by João Martinho, and have a look at the website for more information.
dragões e corvos no fumo
[Ravens in MP4]
[Dragons in MP4]
março 02, 2009
curtas e a técnica
Alex Lora está a fazer o seu Doutoramento em Comunicação sobre o trabalho de um dos mais inspirados realizadores espanhóis, Julio Medem, intitulado "La construcción de la autoría en el cine de Julio Medem".
"The year is 2010. There's no chance to find a flat on the entire town. Three characters will try to find an alternative place to rest."
março 01, 2009
o melhor do FLASH

"When the first version of Flash was launched in 1996, little did we know how it would revolutionise website design over the ensuing decade. The FWA’s Rob Ford counts down the Top 20 Flash sites of all time."20: Nike Air (2006)
Claim to fame: Pioneering user-generated motion effects.
19: Mono*crafts (1999)
Claim to fame: The experimental master inspired a community.
18: Saab Animal Vision(2005)
Claim to fame: The combination of video and atmosphere made for a winning campaign.
Claim to fame: One of the first examples of shape tweening, this laid strong foundations for the web we know today.
16: Comcastic!(2005)
Claim to fame: Using a mobile phone to play with a puppet.
15: PDK(2004)
Claim to fame: Animation allows corporate to be cool.
14: Philips Bodygroom (2006)
Claim to fame: Site of the year... for your genitals?
13: Red Universe (2007)
Claim to fame: A live chat community with a twist.
12: tokyoplastic (2003)
Claim to fame: Proving that personality wins through.
11: Leo Burnett Canada (2005)
Claim to fame: One of the best agency sites of all time.
10: Audi R8 (2006)
Claim to fame: High quality 3D video with incredible results.
9: Neostream (2002)
Claim to fame: Using a mascot to full potential.
8: EYE4U (1998)
Claim to fame: A classic example of what Flash used to be.
7: Who’s We Studios (2002)
Claim to fame: The power of attitude and humour.
6: Full Throttle (1999)
Claim to fame: Still standing the test of time.
5: Get The Glass! (2007)
Claim to fame: Taking production levels to new heights.
4: Advanced Studios v3 “Expansions”(2001)
Claim to fame: The most copied website ever.
3: Gabocorp (1996)
Claim to fame: This is where it all started.
2: Road Runner (2003)
Claim to fame: Proving how Flash can handle content.
1: Vodafone Future Vision (2003)
Claim to fame: The best Flash site ever!