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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta OffBook. Mostrar todas as mensagens

outubro 15, 2011

Off Book: "Etsy Art & Culture"

Da nova série web da PBS, saiu esta semana saiu o 7º episódio sobre a Etsy Art & Culture.

America has a long tradition of handmade arts and crafts. In the manufacturing age, however, much of this work was overshadowed by the homogenizing force of retail culture. But the passion for handmade arts didn’t disappear, and persisted through the years in local craft fairs. Now in the age of the internet, these local craft cultures and artists have found a unifying online community, Etsy, that provides a platform for communication and sales to appreciative fans and customers, as well as a medium to connect with each other and share ideas across the globe.

Episódios anteriores 

1 - Light Paint
2 - Type
3 - Visual Culture Online
4 - Steampunk
5 - Hacking Art 
6 - Street Art

outubro 07, 2011

Off Book: "Street Art"

Da nova série web da PBS, a Off Book, já vimos - Light Paint, Type, Visual Culture Online, Steampunk e Hacking Art. Esta semana saiu o 6º episódio sobre a Street Art.

The street is a space where art thrives, and a place where artists can shape the public aesthetic. Olek, a sculpture who knits, and Swoon, a mixed media artist, disrupt daily life with work that creates wonder, emotion, and humor. Equally at home in museums and galleries, both artists also create installations that challenge the formats of traditional art spaces. With powerful layers of meaning, beautiful aesthetics, and using unique media, these two prolific creators are pushing the boundaries of contemporary art. 

Episódios anteriores  1 - Light Paint
2 - Type
3 - Visual Culture Online
4 - Steampunk
5 - Hacking Art 

setembro 15, 2011

Off Book: Hacking Art & Culture

Depois de ter aqui falado da nova série web da PBS, a Off Book, quando esta já tinha produzido quatro episódios, trago agora o quinto episódio. Nos anteriores episódios foram tratadas correntes como - Light Paint, Type, Visual Culture Online, Steampunk - é agora chegado o momento de apresentar a Hacking Art.

A hacking art está intimamente ligada à cultura da tecnologia de computadores, e começou a expandir-se com maior força desde que se associou ao conceito de Open Source. Vejam com particular atenção o tutorial no final do vídeo, sobre "How to do a Speed Project"! Este episódio está também muito associado ao trabalho de um grupo chamado FAT (Free Art Technology) Lab.

Hacking Art & Culture with F.A.T. Lab, (14.09.2011)

As we become more and more engaged with the internet in every aspect of our lives, powerful questions have arisen regarding the ownership of digital media and information, the relationship between corporations, governments, and individuals online, the power of pop culture influence, and the dissolving border between the digital and physical worlds. Taking these issues head-on is The Free Art & Technology (F.A.T.) Lab. An international group of 21 artists, hackers, thinkers, designers, developers, and entrepreneurs, F.A.T. Lab employs art, activism, pop culture, and a wealth of knowledge about how the internet works to create projects that challenge people and institutions to think a little deeper about this new world we all live in.
Episódios anteriores 

1 - Light Paint
2 - Type
3 - Visual Culture Online
4 - Steampunk