fevereiro 05, 2010

narrativa criativa

Um filme de prevenção rodoviária com uma nova abordagem, não recorre a imagens ou acontecimentos violentos, a efeitos incapacitantes, nem faz uso de qualquer grafismo de choque, antes tudo pelo contrário. No entanto não deixa de produzir um violento choque emocional.

O guionista e realizador Daniel Cox diz que:
“It was central to the development of the project that we root the concept of wearing a seat belt firmly in the family domain, and create the advert so that it could be viewed by anyone of any age. Children are so important as opinion formers within their family that we felt it imperative to have a child take a pivotal role in relaying our message.

“One key aspect to the storytelling is that we developed Embrace Life to be non-language specific, so that the message wouldn’t become lost when viewed by visitors to, or residents of, the UK where English might not be their first language. [Sussex Safer Roads]”

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