junho 02, 2007

R & D in Second Life

During the last meeting of the Portuguese community of Art & Technology I've been talking with some colleagues (Carlos Santos one of the persons behind the presence of the University of Aveiro in SL and Paulo Frias responsible for the University of Oporto recent purchase of a terrain, not yet built) developing academic activities in the Second Life (SL) environments. These conversations and previous ones (Leonel Morgado, uses SL in classes and supervises two PhD students using SL at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro) opened up my appetite for a second try into the world of SL. My first venture inside SL was in 2003, by the 2nd International Conference on Virtual Storytelling. By that time, we had to pay a monthly fee, only to enter the virtual world. I remember using a 7 day free-trial, but the graphical engine and fluidity of the world was not that interesting. I never came back, till now. Differently of my colleagues that look at Second Life with strong interests in the education/social possibilities, my main investigation interests is the interactive entertainment and so the main fields are AI, interactivity, virtual environments...

Now with this renewed interest I begun a search for tools and algorithms, taking into account the nowadays power behind processors and graphical cards, I found some very interesting projects and new developments in the second life community that might open bright possibilities for the future research in the Virtual Environments field.

1) Social Autopoiesis by Adam Brokken

Autonomous agent/character in Second Life, "written in C#, uses libsecondlife and AIMLBot libraries; his current brain is scaled downfor testing purposes... my main goal is to make him a useful addition to Second Life by adding in Torley Linden's marvelously updated Second Life knowledge base, and in general making him Second Life friendly, from teaching building skills, to explaining the many cliques in-world to those users who simply have noclue what they just saw or experienced. As libsecondlife adds more features and becomes more stable, I'd also like to add preprogrammed classes, that will do full step-by-step walk-throughs with new users, teaching them the ways of Second Life."
"I am also working on a method to have the bot remember conversations, adding more animations based on responses, etc. [Whether] he will ever live up to his last name, time will tell." [1]

Social Autopoiesis (direct teleport here)

2) WindLight Technology

A project that aimed at producing "unparalleled visual fidelity and atmospheric representation... within the realm of realtime simulation. Remarkably fast and easy to integrate. Unlike other methods which require specific per-material shaders, WindLight treats all parts of a scene uniformly. Natural terrain, man-made objects, water, clouds, particle effects, and all other elements..."[2].

WindLight is like a magic project that answers to our most profound desires for developing of Dramatic Visual Virtual Environments. This tools achieves great levels of realism and beauty, very far from the regular render engine of SL. Produced by Windward Mark Interactive the excellence of the system called the attention of Linden Lab which acquired it last week.

3) Interesting laboratories to follow, already in SL

AIAI2 - Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute, University of Edinburgh

Laboratory for Advanced Media Production - Australian Film Television and Radio School

nmc | the new media consortium - American Consortium on New Media

Virtual Human Interaction Lab - Stanford University Group

Institute for Creative Technologies - University of Southern California

Interactive Media Lab - Dartmouth Medical School

ReCVEB - Research Center for Virtual Environments and Behavior

Human Interface Technology Lab HITLab - Human Interface Technology Lab, University of Washington

[1] http://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2007/01/social_animal.html
[2] http://www.windwardmark.net/products.php?page=windlight

maio 28, 2007

the net in 2015

Uma versão aumentada e refinada de EPIC 2014, acaba de ser lançada, como EPIC 2015. Filme feito por Robin Sloan para o Museum of Media History. Um pequeno filme feito num tom épico/new age que conta numa primeira parte: a história da internet, nomeadamente da sua evolução económica e social apontando as alterações mais significativas no campo dos media até ao momento; ao qual se segue uma segunda parte especulativa sobre a evolução Microsoft / Google / Amazon / New York Times, rumo à Evolving Personalized Information Content (EPIC).

EPIC 2015

maio 27, 2007

cinema: 60's top ten list

TOP TEN 60's List

1 - 2001: A Space Odyssey - Stanley Kubrick (1968, UK)
2 - Le Mépris - Jean-Luc Godard (1963, France)
3 - Dolce vita, La - Federico Fellini (1960, Italy)
4 - Blow Up - Michelangelo Antonioni (1966, UK)
5 - Fahrenheit 451 - François Truffaut (1966, France)
6 - C'era una volta il West (1968, Italy)
7 - Repulsion (1965, UK)
ex-aequo Z - Costa Gravas (1969, Algeria)
8 - The Time Machine - George Pal (1960, USA)
ex-aequo Planet of the Apes - Franklin J. Schaffner (1968, USA)
9 - Psycho - Alfred Hitchcock (1960, USA)
10 - Belle de jour - Luis Buñuel (1967, France)

cinema: 70's top ten list

TOP TEN 70's List

1 - Apocalypse Now - Francis Ford Coppola (1979, USA)
2 - Solaris - Andrei Tarkovsky (1972, URSS)
3 - La Nuit Américaine - François Truffaut (1973, France)
4 - Alien - Ridley Scott (1979, UK)
9 - Midnight Express - Alan Parker (1978, UK)
5 - Halloween - John Carpenter (1978, USA)
7 - THX 1138 - George Lucas (1971, USA)
8 - Close Encounters of the Third Kind - Steven Spielberg (1977, USA)
10 - Taxi Driver - Martin Scorcese (1976, USA)
ex-aequo The Deer Hunter - Michael Cimino (1978, USA)

cinema: 80's top ten list

TOP TEN 80's List

1 - Blade Runner - Ridley Scott (1982, USA)
2 - Le Grand Bleu - Luc Besson (1988, France)
2 - Paris, Texas - Wim Wenders (1984, Germany)
ex-aequo Sex, Lies & Videotape - Steven Soderbergh (1989, USA)
3 - Dune - David Lynch (1984, USA)
4 - The Thing - Jonh Carpenter (1982, USA)
5 - Brazil - Terry Gilliam (1985, UK)
6 - Akira - Katsuhiro Ôtomo (1988, Japan)
ex-aequo Who Framed Roger Rabbit - Robert Zemeckis (1988, USA)
7 - Dead Ringers - David Cronenberg (1988, Canada)
8 - Mystery Train - Jim Jarmusch (1989, USA)
9 - Once Upon a Time in America - Sergio Leone (1984, Italy)
10 - Zelig - Woody Allen (1983, USA)

cinema: 90's top ten list

TOP TEN 90's List

1 - Europa - Lars von Trier (1991, Denmark)
2 - Lost Highway - David Lynch (1997, USA)
3 - Naked - Mike Leigh (1993, UK)
4 - Comédia de Deus - João Cesar Monteiro (1996, Portugal)
5 - eXistenZ - David Cronenberg (1999, Canada)
6 - Trois couleurs: Bleu (1993, France)
ex-aequo American Beauty - Sam Mendes (1999, USA)
7 - Chungking Express - Wong Kar-wai (1994, Hong-Kong)
8 - Arizona Dream - Emir Kusturica (1993, France)
ex-aequo Piano - Jane Campion (1993, New Zealand)
9 - Night on Earth - Jim Jarmusch (1991, USA)
10 - Se7en - David Fincher (1995, USA)

VES 50: The Most Influential Visual Effects Films of All Time

Foi apresentada no passado dia 10 de Maio pela Visual Effects Society a lista dos 50 filmes mais importantes da história dos efeitos visuais. Do juri desta lista, constam nomes como: Richard Edlund, Dennis Muren, Doug Trumbull, John Dykstra e John Knoll.

1. Star Wars (1977)
2. Blade Runner (1982)
3. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
3. The Matrix (1999)
5. Jurassic Park (1993)
6. Tron (1982)
7. King Kong (1933)
8. Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
9. Alien (1979)
10. The Abyss (1989)
11. The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
12. Metropolis (1927)
13. A Trip to the Moon (1902)
14. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
15. The Wizard of Oz (1939)
16. Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)
17. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
18. Titanic (1997)
19. Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
20. Jason and the Argonauts (1963)
20. E.T. the Extraterrestrial (1982)
22. Toy Story (1995)
23. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006)
24. The Ten Commandments (1956)
25. The War of the Worlds (1953)
25. Forrest Gump (1994)
25. Citizen Kane (1941)
25 The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad (1958)
25. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954)
30. The Terminator (1984)
31. Aliens (1986)
32. Mary Poppins (1964)
33. Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
34. Forbidden Planet (1956)
35. Babe (1995)
36. The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
36. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
38. King Kong (2005)
39. Planet of the Apes (1968)
40. Fantastic Voyage (1966)
41. Jaws (1975)
41. Ghostbusters (1984)
43. Sin City (2005)
44. Superman: The Movie (1978)
45. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
46. The Lost World (1925)
46. Return of the Jedi (1983)
48. What Dreams May Come (1998)
49. An American Werewolf in London (1981)
50. Darby O’Gill and the Little People (1958)
50. The Fifth Element (1997)

A imprensa fez questão de destacar Star Wars como o eterno vencedor da categoria. Mas julgo que esta vitória é um pouco enviesada se tivermos em conta que grande parte do Juri trabalhou ou contribuiu de alguma forma para a série Star Wars. No entanto é com enorme prazer que vejo Le Voyage dans la Lune (1902) de Méliès em 13º lugar ou mesmo Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) em 45º lugar.

Esta lista fez-me recordar umas listas que fiz há alguns anos, em que nomeávamos um top ten por década. Vou repescar essas listas e colocá-las nos posts seguintes. Para já tenho das décadas 90, 80, 70 e 60. Falta-me fazer 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, e cinema primitivo.

maio 25, 2007

tendências do ENTRETENIMENTO

Decorreu na passada terça-feira (22.05.2007) o Colóquio sobre Tendências do Entretenimento na Universidade de Aveiro, organizado pela empresa DestaForma. Um dia, dedicado por completo ao entretenimento, com apresentações de grande actualidade e interesse. Para saber mais em detalhe sobre o que aqui foi discutido, aconselho vivamente a leitura do texto de Patrícia Gouveia. A Patrícia abriu o colóquio logo da parte da manhã com uma comunicação intitulada "Objectos Interactivos que Contam Histórias Inteligentes" desfiando argumentos entre o "brincar" e o "jogar", mas acima de tudo apresentando todos os jogos como simulações, argumento com o qual concordamos inteiramente.

maio 20, 2007

convergence summit

Vai decorrer em Junho deste ano o 2nd Hollywood and Games Summit, em Hollywood, CA, com o subtítulo "Accelerating Collaboration Between the Film and Game Industries". Pela segundo ano consecutivo as industrias do cinema e videojogos vão sentar-se à mesa para partilhar ideias e saberes que vão desde as técnicas narrativas, design ou efeitos especiais a técnicas de marketing, produção e distribuição. O encontro deste ano tem como sub-titulo.

Alguns nomes de peso vão estar presentes:
  • Clive Barker (realizador de Hellraiser)
  • Jordan Mechner (designer de Prince of Persia)
  • Jim Ward (Lucasfilm & LucasArts)
  • Neil Young (Electronic Arts)
Das várias mesas de discussão interessa aqui destacar:
  • The Interactive Parallel Universe
  • Digital Animation Between Film and Games
  • Integrating Games into Television
  • Creating Parallel Community Experiences Between Films and MMOs
  • How Talent Can Successfully Cross the Digital Divide