Le Sacre du Printemps pelo Wuppertal Tanztheater de Pina Bausch
Vollmond de Pina Bausch
O objectivo desta iniciativa, realizada em parceria com a agência Lusa, é “potenciar o uso das possibilidades e das linguagens do meio digital, ao nível da infografia e das narrativas online”.
Será ministrado por Aitor Eguinoa (com experiência de trabalho em infografia no El País, El Correo, de Bilbao, e La Nación, de Buenos Aires) e por Xaquin G. V. (La Voz de Galicia, Newsweek e, actualmente, The New York Times, onde trabalha como Graphics Editor).
Inscrições: sec-cicom@ics.uminho.pt | +351 253 604 214
Short experimental movie about love, betrayal, death. The idea was to create animated film using photos by Jan Saudek. I scanned stills from photo album, cut images into layers with Photoshop and animate them in After Effects.
"Our ability to generate and acquire data has by far outpaced our ability to make sense of that data. Meaningful information is not a given fact, and particularly now, when our cultural artifacts are being measured in gigabytes and terabytes, organizing, sorting and displaying information in an efficient way is a crucial measure for knowledge and ultimately wisdom. This is where information visualization undertakes an important mission."Licenciado em Design Industrial pela Faculdade de Arquitectura da UTL, Mestrado em Design & Technology, na Parsons School of Design de Nova Iorque é actualmente Senior User Experience Designer na Nokia's NextGen Software & Services baseada em Londres.
This book is full of in-depth close readings of video games that parse out the various meanings to be found in the experience of playing a game. 22 contributors (developers, scholars, reviewers and bloggers) look at video games through both senses of “well played.”Os capítulos podem ser descarregados directamente nos links abaixo:
The goal is to help develop and define a literacy of games as well as a sense of their value as an experience. Video games are a complex medium that merits careful interpretation and insightful analysis.
"A solidão humana aumentará em proporção directa do avanço nas formas de comunicação"original quote, in IMDB
"It is my firm belief, and I say this as a dictum, that all these tools now at our disposal, these things part of this explosive evolution of means of communication, mean we are now heading for an era of solitude. Along with this rapid growth of forms of communication at our disposal - be it fax, phone, email, Internet or whatever - human solitude will increase in direct proportion."