"Physiological" (Fisiológico) - O som tem impactos sobre o nosso corpo. As sirenes provocam choques de cortisol que nos alertam. As ondas do mar relaxam pela frequência e ritmo. O som afecta a respiração, batimentos cardiacos e as ondas cerebrais.
"Psychological" (Emocional)- A música e canto dos pássaros têm impactos sobre as nossas emoções.
"Over hundreds of thousands of years we've learned that when the birds are singing, things are safe. It's when they stop you need to be worried.""Cognitively" (Cognitivo) - Quando temos duas pessoas a falar em simultâneo para nós, temos dificuldade em compreender ambas. Isto explica porque a nossa produtividade baixa quando existem sons concorrentes.
"If you have to work in an open-plan office like this, your productivity is greatly reduced. And whatever number you're thinking of, it probably isn't as bad as this. (Ominous music) You are one third as productive in open-plan offices as in quiet rooms. And I have a tip for you. If you have to work in spaces like that, carry headphones with you, with a soothing sound like birdsong. Put them on and your productivity goes back up to triple what it would be.""Behavioural" (Comportamental) - Movemo-nos em função do som, e em busca do som que nos dá prazer.
"The 4 ways sound affects us" (2009) por Julian Treasure