"A Story About Robots" is an animation short film, is a personal project we did on the weekends, made in Spain, in a small village called Segovia, with lot of love no budget. The backgrounds were photographed with Canon 50D. All the camera movements and travellings were made in stop motion. The robot was elaborated with 3D Studio Max and the integration with After Effects."
abril 26, 2013
"A Story About Robots" (2013), simples e perfeito
Uma pequenina animação tão cheia de emoção e questionamento. Tão simples quanto um pequeno robô que sente o emergir de consciência do belo quando encara "O Beijo" (1908) de Gustav Klimt. É um projecto sem respostas, nem delongas, é um minuto e meio de puro encantamento adentro da análise da singularidade tecnológica. Um filme criado pela espanhola Paramotion Pictures.
Claro que tudo isto ganha uma maior importância quando o trabalho visual é de elevada qualidade. Quando o 3d e o "camera match" é perfeito, quando a cor e atmosfera são perfeitas, quando se tem uma noção perfeita do uso do enquadramento para contar uma história. É perfeito.
"A Story About Robots" is an animation short film, is a personal project we did on the weekends, made in Spain, in a small village called Segovia, with lot of love no budget. The backgrounds were photographed with Canon 50D. All the camera movements and travellings were made in stop motion. The robot was elaborated with 3D Studio Max and the integration with After Effects."
"A Story About Robots" is an animation short film, is a personal project we did on the weekends, made in Spain, in a small village called Segovia, with lot of love no budget. The backgrounds were photographed with Canon 50D. All the camera movements and travellings were made in stop motion. The robot was elaborated with 3D Studio Max and the integration with After Effects."
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