ISSN 2182-0899
março 31, 2007
300 VFX
Visually magnificent, high levels of complexity achieved through beautifully designed techniques. Technically, seeing 300 is like seeing rea...
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Videogames evolution
See videogame mechanics evolution of the last 30 years in 2 minutes and 30 seconds. This video has been produced for a talk done by David Pe...
"we've done a poor job on engagement"
Here we come again, game designers talking about the necessity to take into account the user/player. I believe here we should have thought a...
How Art Made the World
Série de 5 episódios produzida pela BBC da autoria e apresentação de Nigel Spivey. Spivey conseguiu condensar em 5 horas a história da arte ...
the after list
Books I wanted to buy during the PhD, that never did because of many reasons: doubts about the content being good enough; doubts about bein...
março 29, 2007
Thesis delivered
Thesis delivered today at 2 p.m. Now i'll have to wait for the Jury deliberation and choosing of the defence day. In the mean time i...
março 22, 2007
Emoção Responsável pela Moral
Novo estudo publicado na Nature sobre a possibilidade de relação entre a capacidade de ajuizamento moral e a emoção humana. Na verdade, est...
Pixar Storytelling
The Commandments from the Pixar team. "Empathize with your main character Unity of opposites. Each character must have clear goals ...
Os meus videojogos (1980-1995)
Aceitando o repto de André Carita , aqui fica a minha lista dos 10. Optei por criar duas listas. A primeira que apresento neste post , como ...
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