ISSN 2182-0899
setembro 30, 2004
Well, here I come again with my doubts and new definitions and new focus and new paths. Something sort of new today, we'll sort of le...
agosto 28, 2004
Love Robot From Schopenhauer ' Metaphysics of Love ' to Bjork/Cunningham ' All Is Full of Love ' Machines will never have re...
julho 23, 2004
What is ART? Three theories or perspectives to look at art. a) emotivist theory - artistic expression of emotion, artist-base...
julho 18, 2004
In the beginning I was looking for the convergence between film and virtual reality. I had a path to follow, to do a profound film study of ...
julho 16, 2004
I, Robot (2004)
I, Robot by Alex Proyas «Asimov... making machines an example of how the world could be bettered through the mastery of technology. .....
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julho 13, 2004
Today is a happy day :) Yesterday I've won the prize for the best paper presented at the conference Games2004 - Digital Entertainm...
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julho 10, 2004
T-Shirt TV Screen "A model at Loews Theatres on Boston Common invites onlookers to watch a movie trailer on the flat-screen TV e...
1 comentário:
junho 20, 2004
ICO new analysis paths Myst + D. Quixote + Conan, Boy in the Future + ...
junho 12, 2004
CONAN, the boy in the Future by Hayao Miyazaki (1978) It's amazing how Miyazaki has been present since my infancy in my life. I had ...
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